recommended: Stefan Lindgren - Jazzish
Ich liebe Stefans Stimme - und seine fröhliche, verrückte Musik, die unter anderem auch ein wenig wie Tom Jones und Abba zur selben Zeit klingt :)
Stefan Lindgren in dessen eigenen Worten:
A former hardrock-drummer who got bored and tired of musicians that could'nt combine seriousness with a laugh. Stefan started writing songs for the fun of it, very eclectic though... 2008 he started work on his debutalbum "JAZZISH" together with the "Johansson brothers". And the albumtitel says it it all, it will be great songs, with a touch of jazz... !
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... it's jazzish ;)
Stefan Lindgren in dessen eigenen Worten:
A former hardrock-drummer who got bored and tired of musicians that could'nt combine seriousness with a laugh. Stefan started writing songs for the fun of it, very eclectic though... 2008 he started work on his debutalbum "JAZZISH" together with the "Johansson brothers". And the albumtitel says it it all, it will be great songs, with a touch of jazz... !
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>> Stefan Lindgren auf MySpace
>> Stefan Lindgren auf SoundClick
>> Musik hören: Inhaltsverzeichnis
>> Musik hören: Start
zwitscherbirdie - 3. Aug, 00:40